Sunday, July 26, 2009

Silly Girls!

So here's the daughter Alexandra had her best friend Kelly over for the weekend, let me tell you...these two girls are silly....
they were trying to convince me that they were going to be the next 'Canada's Next Top Model' so of course they needed my to take pictures of them. We got off to a rough start because they really didn't know how to pose, and because they were being so silly, I couldn't help but to be in full laughter all the time!
So here's some of the pictures that I took....Enjoy!
Until next time....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baling Time

Well, it's that time of year when the smell of  fresh cut alfalpha is in the air.  
Ohhh, I love that smell!!
This picture is taken right off our deck in our front yard.  
The field is ours but we rent it out, we have ever since we moved here.  
We own a turkey farm and don't need the bales, so why not rent it out!?

Here's some pictures of my daughter on one of the bales 
that's at the end of our driveway!
I couldn't resist taking the picture
~the way the sun was setting, it was so beautiful!~

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Now it's time for me to catch up on some of my blog!  I know that I've been
slacking a bit, but give a girl a break...I've only been on holidays for 3 weeks 
and I'm quite busy at home doing home & yard stuff!!  
I know, I excuses!!
So here's some pics that I took last minute~my brother-in-law was over with 
my niece and nephew and I've been wanting to try out 'the chair in the field' look,
this isn't exactly the kind of chair that I wanted to use, but it worked!

Lilly & Wally's Wedding

Here's a wedding session that I did...
I was very nervous, as this was my first wedding! 
I didn't have very good lighting for my camera 
so a lot of the action shots came out a little blurry.

This is probably one of my favorite shots of the day!  
For me there is just so much emotion in this picture....