Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I may randomly put some pictures up here that I thought you might enjoy!  
I'll call them the 'POTD' ~ Picture of the Day ~
This one day in particular, the frost was so heavy, so I went out and started snapping away!  You're probably wondering, why is there a basketball outside, in January, on a very frosty day?  Well, my kids still like to sink the odd basketball on a nice day!  Well, it made for a great picture anyways...

The Friesen Grandchildren

The Grand-Daughters

The Grand-Sons

All the Grand-Children

The Boys of Hockey!

I think this would make a great All-Star Team!

The Funk Family

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beautiful Scenery

Some pictures that I took while driving out to the cottage over the Christmas holidays.
This picture was taken near Badger which is close to Woodridge.


My edited version


My edited version

These next two pictures are taken at the Badger cemetary, the same pic, 
but on the second one I added some texture to it to make it a little more gloomy looking...


My edited version

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Friesen Christmas 2009

The beauty of a Christmas tree...

This is a traditional grandchildren picture, every year the grandchildren sit in the exact same spot that they sat in the year before.

This is 'Baba' and her only grand-daughter!

Family Traditions

What would Christmas be without traditions....
spongy orange look-a-like candies...

snooping for presents...

a traditional grandchildren picture where everyone sits in the same spot 
as they did the year before....

When my mom was a child, her mom and dad gave everyone a coloring book and crayons for Christmas, and so that tradition has passed on to the next generation, so my mom now gives all children and grandchildren coloring books and crayons as well.
And so, 21 years ago, when my first child was born, I carried on that same tradition!

this is my sister enjoying her coloring book